Monday // Matt Corby

If You Listen To Nothing Else Today

I about to make a bold statement, but I feel confident in saying it: Matt Corby has my favorite voice in the entire music industry. There, I said it. Matt has been gone for far, far too long and he has finally decided to grace us mere mortals with a new single (which might mean new album!) Everyone knows I am a sucker for beautiful harmonies and vocals, and this is the perfect track for this because Matt has recorded this song using entirely his own voice. That’s right, no guitar, no kick drum, just him laying down his own harmonies to himself. Now that I have gushed about the wonder that is Matt Corby, listen to this new track. Over and over.

Thoughts? Let me know with a comment below!

I also love when people send me stuff to check out, so if you find yourself thinking “Man, this song should grace the pages of The Lucky Velvet”, let me know people!

You know what else is awesome? Taking the music of The Lucky Velvet with you everywhere you go! And you can now do that with this Spotify playlist.

If you like my music blog and you like stickers, you can get a sticker with my music blog on it. Cool, right?

Resolution (Kygo Remix) // Matt Corby

Cover Corner

Hello everyone, and sorry for being a little less present this week! Things have been v v busy, but they should be settling down a bit so hopefully I can get back into the swing of things. Today for Covers + Remixes, I thought we would do a remix since we actually haven’t thrown one of those on here in a while. The original of this song is one of my favorite songs of all time (and is somewhere else in the depths of this blog), and what I love about this remix is that it doesn’t completely ruin the integrity of the song, but it adds just a little something extra. Very well done.

Did you miss me? Converse with me people, I want to hear from you!

Another Way Feat. Matt Corby // Matthew And The Atlas

If You Listen To Nothing Else Today

I was originally going to post a different MATA song but then I was on SoundCloud and THIS came to my attention. Of course, as I have said before, I love Matt Corby. So what better tune to do for today? And it’s especially fitting, because it happens to be snowing where I am currently located. What better song for a chill day indoors? And while this song is chill, it has an insane build to a beautiful Matt Corby hitting a ridiculous note. Enjoy the sounds of the Matts.

Are you equally excited that Matt Corby has made an appearance? What other songs by Matthew And The Atlas do you love? Let me know with a comment below!

Resolution // Matt Corby

If You Listen To Nothing Else Today

This song is one of my favorite songs of all time. Matt’s voice is so calming and just fantastic, and the harmonies thrown in there are beautiful. Also, Matt Corby is beautiful.

Anyone else hoping and praying for Matt to release new material? Let me know with a comment below!