Addicted // The Night Café

If You Listen To Nothing Else Today

~I’m addicted to this song, and you know it~ Cheesy but true because this song is so great. It’s like dreamy but still a song to groove to.It starts out and I thought we were going to be in the middle of an 80’s pop song, and then everything else drops in and I remember why I am so excited about this band. I have been obsessed with this guy’s voice since day one, like the day they were still Canvas and dropped “Growing Up”. I can’t think of a way to describe the guitar hooks other than literally nuts, just so good. I legitimately gasped when I saw that this group dropped another song because I’ve been waiting to see if they could put out something as good as the last one, and look at that, they did. The harmonies thrown in just give this track a little something extra, and every time I hear it everything feels like it has finally fallen into place. Please send more new music our way because we are LOVING IT.

Thoughts? Let me know with a comment below!

I also love when people send me stuff to check out, so if you find yourself thinking “Man, this song should grace the pages of The Lucky Velvet”, let me know people!

You know what else is awesome? Taking the music of The Lucky Velvet with you everywhere you go! And you can now do that with this Spotify playlist.

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Fix // Hazel English

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Today, our lives have been blessed with another Hazel English single. I think this might be my favorite one yet. I’m obsessed with everything about the chorus from the lyrics to the fantastic melody, and the rest of the track fits perfectly with it so obviously I love the rest of it. I don’t know if it’s just me, but listening to this song makes me feel like I’m remembering the good old days and I think it’s a combination of the sound and the message. She’s also just a retro kind of girl so maybe that’s it. Also, I can’t get enough of her voice. So give it a listen, and give Hazel some love.

Thoughts? Let me know with a comment below!
I also love when people send me stuff to check out, so if you find yourself thinking “Man, this song should grace the pages of The Lucky Velvet”, let me know people!
You know what else is awesome? Taking the music of The Lucky Velvet with you everywhere you go! And you can now do that with this Spotify playlist.
If you like my music blog and you like stickers, you can get a sticker with my music blog on it. Cool, right?

ON AN ON – 20 September 2015

Concert Series
ON AN ON @ Great Scott

ON AN ON @ Great Scott // Boston, MA

What better way to spend a Sunday night than at my first concert back in Boston? I love Great Scott because it’s a bar/concert hall, so the venue is really small and intimate. Of course it’s nice to see bands in bigger halls with hundreds and hundreds of people, but I love the smaller venues because those are the shows that I remember being the most special. It’s also fun to watch these bands make it big and then be able to say “I saw that band when they were playing pubs!”

So DOSH opened up, and it really set the mood for the rest of the show. He just did his thing up there and got the vibe going. I of course came it late because ~responsibilities~ but I caught a couple of his songs at the end and I was feeling it.

Then came Eliot Sumner. Wow. This girl has one of the most unique voices I have ever heard. It was kind of raspy and she definitely has a fantastic lower vocal range, but she killed it on some high notes too. They had a very alt rock vibe going on with just a touch of electro, and they had a very dynamic set which I thought was great because I love when artists show off all the kinds of stuff they’ve got going on. It would be boring if every song sounded the same wouldn’t it?

And then ON AN ON. You know, that’s kind of how their songs make you feel. Not in a boring way, but in a “wow I am getting so lost in this set it could just go ON AN ON” If you aren’t sure what I’m talking about, that’s okay because I’m not sure either. What I am sure of is that this show was so awesome. Right from the very first song the lead singer started doing his thing and I instantly felt like I was just ready to vibe with them for the whole set. His voice is so calm and soothing and I knew that from listening to their tracks, but it’s on a whole other level live. And this could have been because of the setting, but I felt like I was just hanging out watching some of my buddies up on stage because they were just hanging out doing their thing too. Just some buddies doing a show for some buddies. With that, their stage presence was on point. Not too much talking and bullshitting, but not too little.

A couple of specific things I want to note:

During Eliot Sumner’s set, the keyboardist’s mic started to fall and the keyboardist from ON AN ON ran on stage to fix it for him, because that is what friends do and it made me smile.

Honestly I almost have to say that I loved “Drifting” even more live than on the track. Everyone was just very in tune with one another, and I was in tune with them so I was way into it.

The bassist got on mic for a song and WOW that song took me to another universe. Again, just the way all of the sounds were molding together was awesome. And also he has a killer voice. Do more of those.

The keyboardist was everything that tied the show together, and I hope to someday be as cool as her.

And that’s it. Sometimes you see a band live and you just think “I’m going to be so lucky to be able to say I was at this show in a year’s time.” Big things coming from these acts.

Has anyone else caught this show, or is anyone going to in the future? Let me know with a comment below!

I also love when people send me stuff to check out, so if you find yourself thinking “Man, this song should grace the pages of The Lucky Velvet”, let me know people!

You know what else is awesome? Taking the music of The Lucky Velvet with you everywhere you go! And you can now do that with this Spotify playlist.

If you like my music blog and you like stickers, you can get a sticker with my music blog on it. Cool, right?

Boys Life // Small Black

If You Listen To Nothing Else Today

I vibe with this song so hard because when I listen to it, I can’t even help but to get lost in all of the intricacies of the track. Like as I’m sitting here trying to convey to you why you need to listen to this song it’s taking me three times as long because I just want to stop and enjoy the song. The vocals are really smooth and toned down, which I think worked really well because it allows all of the pieces of the track to be of equal focus. It has a beat that’s definitely driving the song and that I am literally bopping to in the middle of a coffee shop (and people are staring but I can’t help it) but not so much so that I would call it upbeat. I suggest headphones in and volume up for this one.

Thoughts? Let me know with a comment below!

I also love when people send me stuff to check out, so if you find yourself thinking “Man, this song should grace the pages of The Lucky Velvet”, let me know people!

You know what else is awesome? Taking the music of The Lucky Velvet with you everywhere you go! And you can now do that with this Spotify playlist.

If you like my music blog and you like stickers, you can get a sticker with my music blog on it. Cool, right?

Cool Blue // The Japanese House

If You Listen To Nothing Else Today

THE JAPANESE HOUSE IS BACK!!!!!!!!! You all know I am obsessed with this chick and I could not be more excited to get some new material. Of course, it’s amazing because that was never up for dispute. What is great though is that with this new track, we get a chance to see another side of the sounds she has to offer us peasants. This song still has elements of the haunting, kind of mellowed-out sounds we know and love, and of course the insane harmonies that make my heart sing, but we also now get to hear a more upbeat vibe. I don’t want to go as far as to call it a dance beat, but almost. Anyway, revel in the greatness. Also cross your fingers for some American tour dates.

Thoughts? Let me know with a comment below!

I also love when people send me stuff to check out, so if you find yourself thinking “Man, this song should grace the pages of The Lucky Velvet”, let me know people!

You know what else is awesome? Taking the music of The Lucky Velvet with you everywhere you go! And you can now do that with this Spotify playlist.

If you like my music blog and you like stickers, you can get a sticker with my music blog on it. Cool, right?

Beat Of My Drum // POWERS

If You Listen To Nothing Else Today

Hello and happy Monday, here is a tune to hopefully get your week off to a good start. This is a good indie pop jam with just enough electronic elements to make you want to dance a little in your desk chair, but not enough to overwhelm you. Pair that with a seamless blend of vocals from this duo, and you have the perfect song to bump to.

Thoughts? Let me know with a comment below!

I also love when people send me stuff to check out, so if you find yourself thinking “Man, this song should grace the pages of The Lucky Velvet”, let me know people!

You know what else is awesome? Taking the music of The Lucky Velvet with you everywhere you go! And you can now do that with this Spotify playlist.

If you like my music blog and you like stickers, you can get a sticker with my music blog on it. Cool, right?

I Want You Like A Seatbelt // Chadwick Stokes

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I love this song. It starts out all chill and sweet and you think you know what’s going on and then it takes a turn and gets really upbeat and just fun. I think the lyrics are hilarious and super clever, and it just makes me want to jump around honestly. It kind of reminds me of a more chill version of “Are You Gonna Be My Girl?” by Jet, but that could just be me. Plus, Chadwick is from Boston so there’s a little extra love.

Speaking of Boston, The Lucky Velvet is back in Bean Town for yet another year of academics and ~good times~

Thoughts? Let me know with a comment below!

I also love when people send me stuff to check out, so if you find yourself thinking “Man, this song should grace the pages of The Lucky Velvet”, let me know people!

You know what else is awesome? Taking the music of The Lucky Velvet with you everywhere you go! And you can now do that with this Spotify playlist.

If you like my music blog and you like stickers, you can get a sticker with my music blog on it. Cool, right?